
Gratitude .... that is the first word that pops in my mind when I think of you my dear friend.

While our lives intersected in so many ways for so long, it wasn't until a mutual friend could not understand why we had never met and pushed us to get together to share our bond on trying to make cancer patients and their caregivers lives a little easier.

We sat at your favorite Starbucks in Timonium and talked. In an instant, your warm, energetic, caring, and funny personality had me at hello and I would do anything for you.

Your creativity and caring are at a level that I have never seen before. You always have that smile that lights up a room. You make water part to make a patients wishes come true.

Your love of your family shines through.

I will forever be grateful for our friendship. For the love that you have shown me. For teaching me what it means to appreciate to live and love life.

You are always in my heart and for that it is never good bye.

~ paula silverman