
I first met MacKenzie at the Cool Kids Golf Event in 2007. I remember getting "Goose Bumps" as she spoke -- my first introduction to the "MacKenzie Magnet" -- her spirit and courage pulled you in !

Each following year, at the annual golf event, I would again feel the pull of the "MacKenzie Magnet" with the same afterglow. After each of the annual golf events, I returned to my other life of business, charity events, and working with hundreds of athletes at Special Olympics Maryland. As time moved away from the Cool Kids golf event, the "Mackenzie Magnet" pull, grew weaker, simply due to other demands.

Now , there is great news -- this past September, I was honored to receive "Mackenzie's Award." I have the award mounted where I see it regularly -- The "MacKenzie Magnet" is always nearby, pulling me back to the spirit of an Angel.

~ Rick Gesue