
Where can I possibly start?
The pre “C-Monster” competitive gymnast with six-pack abs, a winning smile, indomitable spirit & the mischievousness of a pixie?

She continued that with Cheerleading like big sis Katie and supporting Katie’s Cheer team with spirit even when not really feeling up to it.

Though she was initially afraid of losing her hair she quickly became accustomed to being bald or with short hair, and took the opportunity to change colors when the mood or occasion suited her like pink for Easter!

How about the girl who gave it all with grace and comforted others as she was suffering, almost always smiling & looking to help others less fortunate enjoy their lives? Soliciting the kids of the community to donate toys & collecting and delivering 10s of thousands of them to the Hopkins Children’s Center because she felt a kid going through treatments like hers “should get more than a sticker.”

My most personal memories are of my first holidays on my own, and bitter-sweetly, Kenzie’s last. I broke my arm the day before Thanksgiving & if not for Kenz, we wouldn’t have had a turkey – I simply could not prep & stuff a turkey with one arm! Before Christmas that year I had arm surgery & though my Mom thankfully came to help, as anyone who knew Kenz would not be surprised, (she was the “bling” queen) she & Nikki created many handmade “snowflakes” to hang in the windows to spruce up my place. Kenz was justifiably proud to have created a Christmas wreath for the front door of my little townhouse that of course I still use every season.

How about the big sister who even near the end was more concerned about her little sister?

Or the girl with faith in our Lord beyond measure?
When the Doctor told her about her 4th tumor & that there was nothing more they could do he asked her:
Dr: “Do you know what could happen?
Kenz: “I could die”
Dr: “Are you afraid to die?”
Kenz: “No”
Dr: “What do you think will happen when you die?”
Kenz: “I’ll go to Heaven & meet Jesus.”

Just like that. If only we all had such faith!

Happy 4th Angel Birthday in Heaven sweetie 10.19.2014. – we love you & miss you. Until we meet again. Love, Dad

~ Steve Stuck