Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to The Stories Between. We have put together some resources/FAQ's for your reference.
Q: I've set up my page and sent it out. How do I encourage friends and family to share their stories and memories?
A: We have found that a lot of the time people are hesitant to be the first to share their stories. It's helpful to ask a few close friends and family to go ahead and be the first. Once a few people get started, more and more will follow suit. Once you get a story or two added to your page, go ahead and share again with the same email list. This will encourage more to go ahead and add their memories. Posting it on your Facebook page and Twitter with a personal note asking people to please share is very powerful as well.
Q: I have sent out my page already but I would like to send it out again.
A: You can use the Share button at the top of the page to go ahead and send to new contacts or to resend to the same people.
Q: New stories have been added, will my friends and family know?
A: If they contributed a story and chose to subscribe to the page (which is the default setting) they will automatically receive an email letting them know. But if they simply visited the page then they won't know that new stories have been added. We suggest you resend an email to your contacts to let them know and to remind them to add their stories. Also, often people need to take some time to gather their thoughts on what they would like to share. So a gentle reminder is helpful to get them to take that next step.
Q: I received a notice that a new story has been added. How do I approve the story so it can be posted?
A: You can click on the link included in the email notice. That will take you directly to the honoree's page but you will need to log in to see the new story. You can approve the story either by viewing the page and clicking the Approve button at the bottom or you can choose Manage on your My Account page and then click on the Unapproved Stories button.
Q: I would like to change my Banner photos, how can I do that?
A: Go to the My Account page. You will see the Manage link under the pages you have set up. Click on the Manage link and then choose Banner photos. This will show all the Banner photos you currently have uploaded. You can delete by choosing the trash can icon. You can also move the order they will be seen with the arrow icon (click and drag in the order you want). Be sure to click Save All when you are done making your changes. If you want to add new photos go to View Page and choose Upload Banner Photos to add more.
Q: I would like to delete or change the order of my Gallery Photos.
A: Go to the My Account page and choose Manage for the page you wish to edit. Under Gallery Photos you can delete or move photos around. Be sure to hit Save All when you are done.
Q. I would like to edit the name I have set for my honoree. Such as adding a middle name or correcting the spelling.
A: Go to the My Account page and choose Manage for the page you wish to edit. Under Page Settings you can change or edit the name. This will not change the url, that is set but will change how the name appears on the page under the Banner Photo.
Q: I have a page for my grandfather but now my grandmother has passed. Can I add her to the same page?
A: Yes, of course. We can't change the url, that will remain the same but you can add another name to the Banner Photo. It will also show up on the Search as both people. Go to the My Account page and choose Manage for the page you wish to edit. Under Page Settings you can change or edit the name.
Q: I need to change or add a date for the birth or passing date for my honoree, how do I do that?
A: Go to the My Account page and choose Page Settings. You will see the option to change the dates.
Q: I want to change the privacy level from Private to Public. Or vice versa.
A: Go to the My Account page and choose Manage for the page you wish to edit. Under Page Settings you can change the privacy setting.
Q: I would like to delete someone who is a subscriber to a page.
A: Go to the My Account page and choose Manage for the page you wish to edit. Under Members you will see the list of subscribers. Simply choose delete and confirm when it asks if you are sure.
Q: I would like to add or delete someone as a page admin.
A: Go to the My Account page and choose Manage under the page you would like to edit. Under the Members tab choose Add Page Member. Even if that person is already subscribed add their email and under the drop down menu choose Admin. To delete someone as admin simply choose remove next to their name.
Q: I would like to send an email to everyone who has subscribed to one of my pages.
A: Go to the My Account page (are you starting to catch on that everything is on the My Account page) and choose Manage for the page you would like to email from. Choose Members and you will see an email icon to the right of the subscribers. Simply click that and you will be able to type in your message and choose whether to send to all subscribers or just admins.
Q: I see that there are unapprove and delete options below each story. Does everyone have the option to delete stories?
A: No, only admins can see those options. General subscribers and viewers of the page will not see those. You can see what they see by choosing the Preview button at the top of the page.
Q: Am I able to edit any stories that have been submitted? Can the person who added that story edit it?
A: The bio section of the page can be edited at any time by anyone who is an admin. However, the stories that have been submitted are not able to be edited. We do that since they have gone through an approval process. If someone would like to change their story we suggest they copy it from the story box and save it to a word document and make the changes in the word doc. Then delete the original story and resubmit the new version.
We will continue to update you with more FAQ's but please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any specific questions.